Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Tea Party Puppeteers has a history that can be googled.

Koch & Murdoch have both employed colonels who have engaged in state-sponsored-terrorism and overthrow of democratically elected government by force of arms.

Rupert Murdoch hired Colonel Ollie North, who stole US military weapons, sold them to Iran, delivered the criminal profits by bagman to "contras" to overthrow Noriega govt in Nicaragua which was popularly elected (and is back after another popular election).

Murdoch HATES democratically-elected governments.

David Koch's CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy, now morphed into Freedomworks & AFP = Americans for Prosperity) with Colonel Tom Posey as treasurer. Posey was the bagman Ollie North used to deliver criminal funds to the contras.

Koch HATES democratically-elected governments.

Koch-Suckers think THEY invented the Tea Party movement, orchestrated by Murdoch-Koch.

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