Saturday, April 24, 2010

CITIZENS UNITED, Follow the Money.

"Citizens United" Corporate-Reichwing Overthrow America OPENLY Joins Tea Party Puppeteers.

"Citizens United" Corporate-Reichwing Overthrow America OPENLY Joins Tea Party Puppeteers.

Everybody knows that corporations are not people. Try throwing Goldman-Sachs in prison for fraud next to Bernie Madoff.

Corporations are inventions of laws and legislatures and have ONLY such rights as granted by the laws which bring them into existence.

CITIZENS UNITED is an astroturf fraud organization created to publish anti-Hillary Clinton campaign material without revealing which oligarchs paid for it.

On Jan. 21, the five conservative justices answered yes to the questions they had instructed the parties to ask them. "Speech restrictions based on the identity of the speaker are all too often simply a means to control content," Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote. "Government may not suppress political speech on the basis of the speaker's corporate identity. No sufficient governmental interest justifies limits on the political speech of nonprofit or for-profit corporations."

Five ReTHUGlican judges on the Supreme Court committed treason by declaring far beyond their lawful powers, that corporations have all the same "free speech" rights of citizens. Legislatures make the laws and decide what speech corporations have in the laws. It was treason for legislating-from-the-bench activist judges to go outside of the Constitution and rule otherwise.

FREEDOMWORKS and AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY both have in common Tom Posey mercenary militiaman ("Civilian Military Assistance", Iran-Contragate) as Treasurer-Officer of the founding fore-runner organization CITIZENS FOR A SOUND ECONOMY.

CITIZENS UNITED has now openly joined Freedomworks and AFP in the National Tea Party Federation Puppeteers.