Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Exclusive: Anti-Tea Party group founder deflects ‘astroturf’ accusations

It started off just weeks ago as a Facebook page to challenge the Tea Party's message. Within two weeks it enticed over 22,000 "fans," hundreds of volunteers across the nation, a mention from The Associated Press, and uncorroborated accusations from conservatives of being an "astroturf" operation.

TheOther95.com was founded this month by writer and messaging consultant Marco Ceglie and a few of his friends after they grew frustrated with the "free ride" the media has given the Tea Party movement, which he described as a "fringe group" receiving undeserved credence.

"Their passions are being manipulated and harnessed to serve a very narrow political agenda that may not necessarily be their own,” Ceglie said of the Tea Partiers in an interview with Raw Story. "People are really being urged to think with their emotions and not with reason or logic."

On tax day, the group’s volunteer activists swarmed Tea Party protests in dozens of states with signs mocking the fundamental premise of the movement, displaying large posters (among other signs) that read: "The Other 95% say thanks for our tax cuts, Obama!"

Taking note, RedState.com co-founder Erick Erickson wrote a post Sunday speculating whether "the Obama administration is behind a new anti-tea party website called The Other 95," labeling its actions "right out of Lenin’s handbook, forget Alinsky." The theory was elevated on the conservative blogs Instapundit and Riehl World View, though none were able to offer proof.
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Ceglie dismissed the allegation, calling it "unfounded" and part of a "fishing expedition." Though he has worked as a freelance consultant for nonpartisan progressive organizations in the past, Ceglie declared that he and the group's founding members are "not at all" affiliated with President Obama or the Democratic establishment.

"I’ve never met George Soros," he quipped. "I wish I had some of his money but I don’t. It doesn’t take that much money to create a Facebook group and some signs. These right-wingers are trying to discredit us for their own gain."

Members of The Other 95 did, however, praise Obama and promote his campaign logo while counter-protesting at tax day rallies.

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