Saturday, May 22, 2010

OILY Koch Industries and Fox's Rupert Murdoch created and puppetmaster the Tea Party Hatriots -- how can any TP Candidate NOT support BIG OIL?

Maddow's show was used by Paul to shout out that CORPORATE SPEECH (Citizen's United) is the most important speech that there is. Paul begged using her platform for all corporations to pour unlimited secret funding into his campaign.

Paul underlined that message by driving the getaway car for CORPORATE CRIMINALS polluting the Gulf of Mexico. "It's not a crime, it's an accident."


The spill was a FORESEEABLE CONSEQUENCE of BP's behaviors. An "accident which kills people" is at least MANSLAUGHTER. People go to prison for killing people in accidents -- accident is not a word which excuses blame.

Rand Paul driving the GETAWAY CAR for Corporate Criminals who KILLED AMERICAN CITIZENS, is an accomplice after the fact.

BP is using their FREE SPEECH to say screw you to America, and screw your beaches and fisheries and your tourism and your expensive beachfront homes. Unlimited CORPORATE FREE SPEECH is unlimited pollution on you. Koch Industries WAS the highest fined criminal corporate polluter in US history, and KILLED Dawn Smalley and her boyfriend in negligent homicide. That's just Koch's FREE SPEECH, says Ayn-Rand Paul.

KOCH OIL CREATED CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy, morphed into FREEDOMWORKS and AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY whom push and control the Tea Party Movement).

David Koch sat side by side on CATO INSTITUTE Board of Directors with Rupert Murdoch (News Corp, Fox News, Wall Street Journal).

Koch and Murdoch both were deeply involved in the R.I.C.O. Organized Crime Tobacco (Serial Murders) Conspiracy for which Philip Morris was convicted in Federal Court. Murdoch was also sitting on the Board of Philip Morris Tobacco Company. Koch's CSE had American Tobacco Company heir C. Boyden Gray on the Board. Koch's Reason Foundation had C. Boyden's father Gordon Gray on it's board until the day he died. Murdoch picked up Tobacco Fraudster junkman Steve Milloy at Cato, and brought him to Fox.

The TEA PARTY is nothing more than a sock-puppet for BIG OIL and DIRTY CORPORATE POLLUTERS.

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