Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 19th in History, Terrorists Day, Timothy McVeigh Celebration Day

Looking up April 19th in History, one seeks to know what fascination this day has for domestic terrorists.

The pretense being sold to the gullible public is it is "Patriots Day" but in the USA that is July 4th, Independence Day.

There was a battle in the Revolutionary War, loosely called Battles of Lexington and Concord, or the "shot heard 'round the world," but that couldn't be important to people determined to destroy America.

Some violent underworld of domestic terrorism worships "Militia Day" (April 19th) with a homoerotic cult of personality directed at sociopaths with guns.

A few terrorist events of significance occurred on April 19th, put together by Jeff Elliot:

A Short History Of April 19, 1995, 9:02

... McVeigh couldn't have met Snell -- he was imprisoned even before McVeigh joined the Army -- but McVeigh certainly would have known his name. Snell was a celebrity; the Militia of Montana December 1994 newsletter called him "a patriot to be executed by The Beast," and warned he would be executed "unless we act now!!!" Also famous was the date set for his execution: April 19, 1995.

That Snell was to be put to death on April 19 was a jaw-dropper for anyone in the movement. This was their most sacred day -- the 1993 anniversary of the Waco fire, the beginning of the 1992 federal agent assault at Ruby Ridge [not factually accurate on date], the 1775 start of the Revolutionary War and "the shot heard 'round the world." The April 19th date had been dubbed "Militia Day" since the year before, and there were already calls made by several militia groups for demonstrations or other actions. ...

As a paramilitary organization, CSA working with another terrorist group called The Order, which was robbing banks and had killed a radio talk show host critical of them. The FBI broke up The Order, and on April 19, 1985 -- exactly ten years before the Oklahoma City bombing -- a small army of 300 lawmen swooped down on CSA to arrest founder Jim Ellison and members of The Order hiding on the property. After a tense two-day standoff, Ellison and the others surrendered.

To sum up:

  • Snell executed.
  • Branch Davidians, Waco Texas, burns.
  • McVeigh bombs Murrah Building OKC.
  • (Nearly April 19th, bombus interruptus, Scott Roeder arrested April 16th, 1994 with bomb-making supplies in trunk of his car, affiliated with Montana Freemen militiamen and Operation Rescue clinic bombers network.)

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